Release and Deployment Management adalah bagian dari Service Transition di ITIL
Mengapa kita harus memiliki Release and Deployment Management?
dari release dan deployment management adalah untuk deploy release ke production dan memungkinan
penggunaan yang efektif dari service dalam rangka menambahkan value kepada organisatio/user. Termasuk
didalamnya proses deployment yang bebas dari
gangguan setelah dilakukannya deployment.
Akivitas Release and Deployment Management :
• Release policy and planning
•„ Release design, build and
•„ Release testing and acceptance
•„ Deployment and planning
•„ Extensive testing to predefined
acceptance criteria
•„ Sign off of the release for
•„ Communication, preparation and
•„ Audits of hardware and software
prior to and following the implementation of changes
•„ Installation of new or upgraded
•„ Storage of controlled software in
both centralised and distributed systems
•„ Release, deployment and the
installation of software

Hello, this blog was originated for sharing and keeping all my finding about IT, Cities I traveled, and other, in line with my life motto "Make yourself usefull". BTW, Sorry for my English :)
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